Listen exclusively here at Decibel before it releases on November 6th. Press play below and venture beyond The Veil with Ancient Thrones. The Veil remains an impactful listen down to its final dying note. Rife with nimble axe-work from Dylan Wallace and Nick Leslie, The Veil never succumbs to the solemnity of its subject. But the album conjures strength from those pensive moments. This is followed by five full minutes of silence before reaching the hidden bonus track, which is a simple guitar/drum riff taken from 'Baghdad. The acoustic reprieve of “Sentient” and melodic grief of “Permanent” reveal the album’s heavy heart. Track 14 (10 mins, 40 secs) consists of 4 parts first is the listed track 'Smash', followed by an afterword by the album's narrator and an 'Acoustic Jam'-version of 'Come Out And Play'. Nearly an hour in length, The Veil earns that run-time with crisply-written compositions and an arsenal of sky-ripping riffs.

Whether it’s the thrashing melodeath of “The Millionth Grave” or the metaphysical majesty of “Viduus (The Veil),” Ancient Thrones dwell between the worlds of icy atmosphere and searing, freshly-blacksmithed steel. The Veil then enters an urgent sprint as the blackened charge of “The Sight of Oblivion” accompanies Sean Hickey’s ravenous rasps. FULL ALBUM SONGS IN THE KEY OF LIFE (Stevie Wonder) (1976) 21 songs 1 hour, 44 minutes Stevie Wonder’s 18th album (double lp) released in 1976 by Motown Records ranked number 57 on Rolling Stone Magazine’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time TRACKLIST: 01 Loves in Need of Love Today (Stevie Wonder). “Transient” begins the record with an ethereal mystique and muddy stomp akin to countrymen Anciients. Decibel Magazine is eager to bring you Ancient Thrones’ evocative journey into the afterlife before The Veil lifts on November 6th. They’re now ready to unleash The Veil‘s grandeur and grave-soil grit. Nodding to a lyric from a Wolves in the Throne Room song (“Astral Blood”), it was a rebirth perfect for this album’s themes.

W/ Volbeat, Korn, Rise Against, Billy Talent, Bring Me the Horizon, Bad Religion and more. Originally formed as Abysseral Throne in 2011, the band emerged from the shadows as Ancient Thrones in 2018. Greenfield Festival (June 9 - 11, 2022) W/ Volbeat, Korn, Rise Against, Billy Talent, Bring Me the Horizon, Bad Religion and more. On their upcoming concept album The Veil, Canadian blackened metal quartet Ancient Thrones turn their attention to the journey beyond. Heavy metal has been fascinated with mortality since the genre roared to life.